The African Swine Fever outbreak recorded in Zabaikalye Territory

On July 14, 2020, based on the laboratory test protocols of the head department “Zabaikalye Territory Veterinary Laboratory”, the ASF disease was diagnosed in the village of Ukyr, Krasnochikoy District.

Quarantine in the Zabaikalye Territory due to an ASF outbreak

On the basis of information received from the state Zabaikalye Territory Veterinary Service, the VPSS Directorate for the Zabaikalye Territory prepared a decision on exclusion of animals in the epizootic hotbed of the ASF disease and the contiguous caution zone, the coverage territory of which will be determined by a resolution of the Zabaikalye Territory Governor.

According to preliminary information, the livestock number to be destroyed in the hotbed and the contiguous caution zone is over 1000 head. Within the territory there is 1 epizootic hotbed of ASF disease in village Ukyr, also the contiguous caution zone – village Menza, the next caution zone - village Shonui. Quarantine with various restrictive measures will be imposed.

To prevent the ASF spread throughout the region, a ban on live animals import and export has been established and has been in force. Compliance with taken measures has been monitored by the VPSS Directorate for the Zabaikalye Territory jointly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs Directorate and the State Veterinary Service of the Zabaikalye Territory.